The virus weakens your immune system. Because your body uses nutrients to keep up its defences against germs, eating well can help you fight off infections. It can also boost your energy, keep you strong, help you avoid health complications, and ease issues brought on by HIV and its treatments.

There’s no specific eating plan for people with HIV, but an overall healthy diet can help your health a lot.
The Best Foods for HIV/AIDS
Here’s a list of 5 foods that are nutritious and good for people with HIV/AIDS: Follow these simple tips to get started.
1. Eat Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables
They’re high in nutrients called antioxidants, which protect your immune system. Aim to have five to nine servings of produce each day. An easy way to meet that goal is to fill half of your plate with fruits and veggies at each meal. Eat a lot of different produce to get the most vitamins and minerals.

2. Choose Whole Grains
Like gas in a car, carbs give your body energy.
That makes whole-grain carbs, like brown rice and whole wheat bread, high-end fuel.
They're packed with energy-boosting B vitamins and fibre. And when you eat plenty of fibre, that can lower your chances of getting fat deposits called lipodystrophy, a potential side effect of HIV.

3. Limit Your Sugar and Salt
Whether because of the virus or the treatment drugs you’re taking, HIV raises your chances of getting heart disease. Too much sugar and salt can harm your ticker. So aim to get less than 10% of your calories each day from foods and drinks with added sugar. You should also have no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.

4. Have Healthy Fats In Moderation
Fat provides energy, but it’s also high in calories. If you’re not trying to gain weight, limit how much of it you eat. Heart-healthy choices include nuts, vegetable oils, and avocado.

5. Drink Plenty Of Fluids
Most people don’t sip enough. Make sure to have at least eight to 10 cups of water or other healthy drinks during each day. Liquids help carry nutrients and flush out used medications from your body. They can also lift your energy levels and keep you from getting dehydrated.

Follow food safety rules. Because HIV lowers your body's defences against germs, "even a mild case of food poisoning can lead to a serious infection or illness,”
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